Find out who the traitor is in Valhalla

In Valhalla, a new team is formed each day to fight in the arena. In order for teams to form, it must be discovered who the traitor is. To prevent everyone from being killed by the traitor, people are put into groups of 10's. Each day, there are 1-10 traitors in Valhalla that are killing people, hence the name "Valhalla."

There are an infinite amount of traitors. However, you will only be given one person's name every day that is most likely the traitor. It will always be different each day.

Each morning, your group should meet up to talk about who everyone thinks the traitor is and why they think that person is the traitor. Once you have finished, go to Valhalla and play until you die. Then talk about who everyone thinks the traitor is in chat under their group name (A/B/C/D) and explain why they think so. Keep playing until everyone in your group dies.

The cycle will continue throughout the day.


if you suspect someone in your group, keep them alive and play with them so you can find out the truth.

Who is the traitor in valhalla

The traitor of Valhalla could be any one of the people assigned to betray their friends, and they may do it for a multitude of reasons. The traitor of Valhalla may be anyone who has been assigned by the gods to keep Valhalla occupied so that none of the soldiers from Valhalla becomes too powerful, or killed by their friend and is now seeking revenge, or placed under a spell or curse from an enemy of their friend, etc.

The traitor in Valhalla could be any of the people assigned to betray their friends. They may be doing it for a multitude of reasons, such as:

-they have been sent by the gods to keep Valhalla occupied so that none of the soldiers from Valhalla becomes too powerful.

-They were killed by their friend and now they seek revenge.

-They may have been forced to betray their friends by a spell or curse cast on them by an enemy of their friend.

-They could be acting as a double-agent for the gods, and they were placed into Valhalla's system as an agent for one of the teams to help that team win.

-They could actually be a friend of the group and they are trying to protect them from themselves by making it seem as though one of them is betraying them.

You cannot trust anyone in Valhalla, even if you think you know who the traitor is. You must wait until everyone dies to share your thoughts with everyone else under your team name.

How does the traitor in valhalla work

The traitor in Valhalla works by moving people around to make a day's teams and make sure everyone is paired up with their worst enemy, thereby creating a battle every day in which many will die.

However, if the traitors were actually trying to kill all of the people in Valhalla, there would be no need to pair up people to fight. They could quickly kill everyone in the room at the same time. This means that they are trying make sure certain players live or die by pairing them up with others that they know will do their job well.

This is why you must not trust anyone in valhalla! They are all trying to kill you.


The traitor in Valhalla could be any one of the people assigned to betray their friends, and they may do it for a multitude of reasons. The traitor of Valhalla may be anyone who has been assigned by the gods to keep Valhalla occupied so that none of the soldiers from Valhalla becomes too powerful, or killed by their friend and is now seeking revenge, or placed under a spell or curse from an enemy of their friend, etc.






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